Hi Travel Junkies,

Today we are thrilled to announce that longtime 10xTravel Contributor Travis Cormier will be taking over as our new Editor-in-Chief!

Travis has been working with 10xTravel for 3+ years now in a variety of different roles and is an expert in all things points & miles. He will be overseeing all of our written content here at 10xT as well as assisting in a handful of other projects including 10xTravel+, our award space alerts, award booking service, and of course in the 10xTravel Insider’s Facebook Group.

You can reach Travis by email at Travis@10xTravel.com. Feel free to reach out with any feedback or ideas for content that you would like to see on 10xtravel.com.

Please join me in congratulating him on his new position!

Happy Travels,
